Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Due Monday. No late work....

3 polished print ads
styled for magazine not a handout or flyer
use the ad strategies we discussed

100 point for you and your team

Ad analysis; themes for motivating your audience

¢ Analyzing Ads By Pitch
¢ •Escape to a fantasy
¢ •Fatherhood.•Security.•Fear.•Low Fat/Thinness.•Desire to be fit.Desire to fit in…to Belong
¢ •Desire to appear younger.•Celebrity.
¢ •Magic.•Motherhood.•Popularity.•Peer Pressure.•Elitism.•Alienation.•Rebellion.•Sex appeal.
¢ Bandwagon
¢ A visible enemy
¢ Grandeur---wonder and awe!
¢ Sensory appeal—its colors, uniforms, icons
¢ Symbols---icons; only a limited number of brands have successfully done this
¢ Mystery—unknown factors that make it sought after
¢ DUE TOMORROW: DRAFT OF 3 ADS…FINAL/DUE TUESDAY….refine over the weekend!

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Work on your project!

Make sure your team is work on project parts that are due this week and next week.
Friday: The business plan
Monday: The Brochure

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Go to: for sample business plans

Use a sample plan. Insert your information as best you can at this point.
Bring in at least one page of information using the b-plan as your guide.

STROLL NET: Internet On The Go!
1. Mission
As the popularity of the Internet continues to grow at an exponential rate, easy and affordable access is quickly becoming a necessity of life. Stroll Net will provide internet users and business travelers alike the ability to access the Internet, via our public Internet terminals or a wireless WiFi connection away from home and the office. For a minimal fee, internet users, young and old, will be able to access the internet while they stay in hotels, wait at airports, shop in shopping malls and so on.
We look to be the leader in introducing an innovative and quality public Internet terminal to our current market.. Our terminals will utilize the most advance technologies and our staff will possess the utmost in customer service experience.
Stroll Net, soon to be located on Hollywood Blvd. in California, will offer the community and tourists convenient and affordable way to access the Internet away from home and the office.
Stroll Net's public Internet terminals will appeal to individuals of all ages and backgrounds. The ease-of-use and instructional menu will appeal to the audience that does not associate themselves with the computer age. Great locations, such as hotel lobbies and coffee shops, will provide business people with a convenient way to access the Internet and office files away from the office.

2. Product and Service Description
Walk-up Internet Access: Customers pay with either cash or credit card and receive a specific amount of time on the terminal in exchange for their payment. Customers can surf the Internet, check email and send video email.
Wireless Internet Access: Away from the home, WiFi users can access the Internet through our Wireless Hotspots.
Multimedia Advertising: Local, regional, or national companies can advertise using multimedia on-screen advertisements. Advertisements consist of full motion video "commercials," picture files, or twelve advertising buttons.

3. Competitive Comparison
Stroll Net will be first to place public Internet Terminals in Tech City. Stroll Net will differentiate itself from other ISPs in Tech City by providing its customers with the ability to access the Internet even when they are away from their own computer. We do not expect to replace standard internet access options (home, school, and work-based computers), but to supplement them; similar ventures, such as Internet cafes, have seen great success.

4. Market analysis
Stroll Net is faced with the exciting opportunity of being the first-mover in the Tech City public Internet market. The attractiveness of convenience, combined with the growing interest in the Internet, has been proven to be a winning concept in other markets and will produce the same results in Tech City.
The explosion of the Internet has been well documented. The International Data Corporation predicts that by 2004 there will be 210 million Internet users in the U.S. alone. Our increasingly mobile society means that a large percentage of these users will access the Internet through public Internet terminals.
Research has confirmed that the demand for public Internet terminals is growing exponentially and that the number of terminals in operation worldwide will reach 434,000 by 2006. By 2007 the number of wireless Hotspots in the U.S. is expected to grow to 41,000 and generate in excess of $3 billion in revenue.

5. Competition and Buying Patterns
The main competitors in the public Internet terminal segment are ATT and BellSouth. However, these businesses have yet to establish a presence in Tech City and the immediate surrounding areas.
Competition from online service providers comes from locally-owned businesses as well as national firms. Due to the nature of the Internet, there are no geographical boundaries restricting competition. However, none of these online service providers have public Internet terminals available for placement.
6. Marketing Strategy
Stroll Net's public Internet terminals will be a magnet for local and traveling professionals who desire to work or check their email messages away from the office. These professionals will either use Stroll Net's terminals, or connect their notebooks to our wireless WiFi Internet connection. Stroll Net's target market covers a wide range of ages: from members of Generation X who grew up surrounded by computers, to Baby Boomers who have come to the realization that people today cannot afford to ignore computers.
Stroll Net will position itself as an innovative company that supplies the market with an affordable way to access the Internet away from home and the office. Stroll Net will use advertising as its main source of promotion. Stroll Net's brochures, letterhead and business correspondence will further reinforce these concepts.

7. Pricing Strategy
Stroll Net bases its prices for Internet and wireless WiFi usage on the "retail profit analysis" provided by our supplier, Supplier One, Inc. They have been in the kiosk industry for 5 years and has developed a solid pricing strategy.

8. Promotion Strategy
Stroll Net will implement a pull strategy in order to build consumer awareness and demand. Initially, Stroll Net has budgeted $5,000 for promotional efforts which will include advertising with coupons for fifteen minutes of free Internet time.

KEY PERSONNEL Stroll Net is owned and operated by The company, being small in nature, requires a simple organizational structure. Implementation of this organizational form calls for the owners to make all of the major management decisions in addition to monitoring all other business activities.
CEO---Chief Executive Officer
CFO==Chief Financial Officer
Director of Marketing
Director of Marketing

Monday, April 26, 2010

outline for stock report; typed; nice presentation form!

Title with the Name of Stock and Logo
1.COMPARE current and past prices over one week, one month, 3 months, one year; use a graph or table; Compare this stock to S & P Index for one month, 3 months, year
lSummarize the stock analysis by Updown player
lRead the news stories; SUMMARIZE 3; which support buying or selling?
2.Company Home Page; review their news or quarterly earnings; highlight and record 3 more facts supporting buying or selling.
3.Write your own analysis in two paragraphs; To Buy or Not to Buy!
make two arguments FOR and AGAINST investing in this stock.
4.Be able to recommend or not recommend to the class
what is it’s price today? UP or DOWN?
5. Print out and Explain your STOCK REPORT!! Include the company logo and its history. Names of owners or CEO, etc.

Friday, April 23, 2010



Sign in for Contest

Make sure you have invested $500,000 by Monday!!!!!!!!!!

Work on Stock Analysis presentation; one page typed with company logo

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

CD vs. Stock....see Ch12

Find out what is a CD in Ch. 12.....Describe it compare it to the stock market.
What are the advantabes and disadvanges?

Monday, April 19, 2010

Just two pages in ch 12 sec. 3!!!

¢chapter 12, sec. 3 Describe the New York Stock Exchange- 4 details; answer Fig 12.7
¢NASDAQ; Fig 12.8 answer questions

Friday, April 16, 2010

Like will expand but you never know when in will break..

if demand is inelastic it means it won’t change even if you raise the price!!

¢Start at p. 90
Look at each chart, read the caption, answer the question. Figure 4.1, 4.2, 4.3, Read p. 100, answer 1-2
Complete for HW
Explain key terms: elasticity of demand

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Business structures....

¢HW: Read pp 57-63
Sole proprietorships,
Partnerships, and
Review the OBJECTIVES: read and complete answers for OBJECTIVES 1-3
AS YOU READ---Answer questions under figure 3.1, 3.2, 3.3 and pictures on p. 59 and 62

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

This IS the TEST for Wednesday. I will choose 20 from these 25.

1.What is the Fundamental Economic Problem?
5.Market Economy, Traditional economy, Command economy
6.Gross Domestic Product
7.economic freedom to make own decisions
8.econ efficiency for greater benefits than costs
9.Economic equity…a social goal to support laws against wage and job discrimination
10.Full employment
11.Econ security for the elderly, workers losing jobs etc.
12.Price Stability, freedom from inflation …protects people on limited income
13.Econ growth to increase goods and services to all
14.Value; Paradox of Value
15.Utility and Wealth
16.Education and Income
17.Trade offs,
18.Opportunity Cost
19.Traditional Economies, Command Economies, Market Economies
20.Capitalism and Free Enterprise p. 46-48
21.Role of the Government p. 50
¢Third world country
¢externalized costs,
¢planned obsolescence,
¢perceived obsolescence
¢Work, watch, spend….

Friday, March 26, 2010

YEP Spring Break Homework

Spring Break HW: Ch. 1 Assessment; Applying Concepts 1-3
Chapter 2 assessment Key terms, Review Facts,
Thinking Critically #1, Building skills 1-3
Test on Tuesday when we return on Ch 1-2, and, notes

Note: Make sure you have completed your questions about HEalth Care!!!

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Questions for Health Care Article---see #s in article

1.List 3 major changes affecting everyone.
2.How can you buy insurance if it is too expensive for you? What is a government subsidy?
3.If you have an expensive plan and can afford it, you may contribute to supporting others through a tax…is this fair to the ‘rich’?
4-7 At what income do individuals and families get Government subsidy? How much will you or your family pay? A new Teacher? Dr. Steinberg? Who does not receive a subsidy?
8. What happens to insurance ‘slackers’!
9.What other important changes are in the new bill?
10.What is do you think is government based insurance market?
11.How much will subsidies cost and who will pay for them?!!

Monday, March 22, 2010

$$$ + Social Responsibility = Economics in A Democracy; +a little Socialism when needed!

HW: Read Ch. 2.2
Rank order by economic and social importance: Justify your #1-3 choice in paragraph...Explain your reasons for your ordering

neconomic freedom to make own decisions
necon efficiency for greater benefits than costs
nEconomic equity…a social goal to support laws against wage and job discrimination
nFull employment
nEcon security for the elderly, workers losing jobs etc.
nPrice Stability, freedom from inflation …protects people on limited income
nEcon growth to increase goods and services to all

HW: Complete Assessment—2, 4, 6

Friday, March 19, 2010

Weekend HW on pros and cons of Capitalism

nRead 35-39
the advantages and disadvantages of a command economy; and, a market economy (which is capitalism)

I will chk work Monday.

Movie: Capitalism, A Love Story.....continues Monday

Thursday, March 18, 2010


nRead p. 14-15 Explain WEALTH; Read
nProfiles in Economics p. 18
nExplain the ‘Invisible Hand’; laissez-faire; answer 1,2
HW for p. 2,3,4
nHW: Read Ch. 1 Sec 3 p.19-22;
Answer all questions under all charts/pix. Be prepared to explain: Opportunity/Cost

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

HW from Tues nite (no HW otherwise for Weds)

HW: Chapter 1 Section 2. p. 12-13

Define: Goods and services; value; Paradox of value, utility
Define; Explain the relationship between these
concepts: Scarcity, Value, utility, wealth

Monday, March 15, 2010

Getting into the Econ text book: Ch. 1 basics

Read 5-10
Answer 1-7

Addl questions from WHAT WOULD JESUS BUY
What is the retail moment?
What did Billy mean when he said: We are not consuming, we are being consumed?"
Do you dream, did you ever dream about the mall? Be honest.
What do you think are the important messages of the film? What is important for you?

Thursday, March 11, 2010

What would Jesus Buy? Nothing...!!!! What do you buy? Why? GET YOUR ECON TEXT!!!

WELCOME What do you buy? What is a necessity? What is a luxury? On a scale of: low-1 to 10-high, how easily influenced are you by advertising? By what other people have…like a new cell phone, video game, clothes, fad?

HW What would Jesus Buy?
What is ‘the worship of the retail moment”?
What does he mean by our “Shopocolypse
What do kids want for Xmas? How do they choose? Know? How are they influence? How are you influenced by TV ads?
Is gift giving the same as love and affection?
What shopping confession would you make in the Shopping Confessional?