Monday, April 26, 2010

outline for stock report; typed; nice presentation form!

Title with the Name of Stock and Logo
1.COMPARE current and past prices over one week, one month, 3 months, one year; use a graph or table; Compare this stock to S & P Index for one month, 3 months, year
lSummarize the stock analysis by Updown player
lRead the news stories; SUMMARIZE 3; which support buying or selling?
2.Company Home Page; review their news or quarterly earnings; highlight and record 3 more facts supporting buying or selling.
3.Write your own analysis in two paragraphs; To Buy or Not to Buy!
make two arguments FOR and AGAINST investing in this stock.
4.Be able to recommend or not recommend to the class
what is it’s price today? UP or DOWN?
5. Print out and Explain your STOCK REPORT!! Include the company logo and its history. Names of owners or CEO, etc.

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