Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Other social issues in economics...

¢HW: Chapter 8 p. 210-217
¢Answer q’s on 210; for Fig. 8.7, 8.8, 8.9, 8.10
¢HW: Explain the key Issues; how might 2 of them effect you?
  1. ¢unions,
  2. ¢pay for women, glass ceiling,
  3. ¢discrimination,
  4. ¢comparable worth,
  5. ¢minimum wage

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

HW: Use your textbook to explain these terms

  1. ¢New York Stock Exchange
  2. ¢The Dow Jones
  3. ¢Nasdaq
  4. ¢S & P 500
  5. ¢What is a Penny Stock? ¢What is a Blue Chip Stock?

In what way is each term (1-4) important to know when you are choosing
and analyzing stocks?

Monday, April 25, 2011

STOCK Reviews are due Tuesday. Printed out. No late papers. 100 pts.

¢HW: You must have at least 6 stocks by now!!!!
¢Check the charts/statistics for the last week, month, year. Record this Information…How is it trending?
¢For each stock: Write 3 good reasons to buy, 1 reason not to buy.
¢How much stock did you buy for each one? Why?
¢Write a short recommendation or NOT!!
¢You must it all Print OUT!!!

Thursday, April 14, 2011


¢CW/HW: Start at p. 90 Figure 4.1, 4.2, 4.3, 4.5
Look at each chart, read the caption, answer the question.
Read p. 101-102, 106-7; p. 107 answer 1-6
Complete for HW
Explain key terms: elasticity of demand

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Corporations and Entrepreneurs

1.HW: Read 62-65 Explain, in your words…a ‘corporation’.
How is it formed; What is stock? Answer 3.3; list advantages and disadvantages of a corporation.
Read p. 67 …answer 1
Research an Entrepreneur
1. Write name of entrepreneur
2.1.Describe the Company
3.2. Describe the Personal and company history
4.3. What were the keys to success….

Monday, April 11, 2011

Regarding you research on a social/welfare program.....

¢HW: Address: What is the Purpose and economic ‘issue’, What is the current program description, What are the funding levels, What current events are in the news about this program; see internet; Your recommendation: Cut or increase funding; explain.

Be ready to stand up and teach us about it! One minute each.....

Friday, April 8, 2011

This will take 30-40 minutes in textbook...Weekend HW

HW:Read 46-51; answer questions under each picture; read p. 52; answer 1,2
p. 54. Answer all activities on this page
p. 55 Read Building Skills and answer the questions below 1,2,3,

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Quiz Friday

¢Quiz: Vocabulary/Define:
2.Paradox of value-
3.Paradox of choice-
4.Escalating vs. lowered expectations
5.0pportunity –cost
14.Financial capital
15.production capital--
16.externalized costs,
17.Third world country
18.planned obsolescence,
19.perceived obsolescence

25 points: Draw the Economics Cycle; integrate the textbook with the Story of Stuff Model of Economic cycle

1.25 points. Using what you learned from the presentations, name 3 reasons we had the Economic Crisis in the united States (include key ideas; and terms from presentations)

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Presentation Outline on Economics

¢1. Take Notes for a Film Review
2. Focus on 5 important understandings about the economy, You will present 2-3 major ideas
3. What are the problems/causes of our crisis?
¢4. What was the government intervention or regulation?
¢5. What were the mistakes/complications/bad decisions?
¢6. What has been the effect of these events or policies?
¢7. How does it effect the consumer or your common ordinary Sheik?
Presentations: Two options for Presentation
1.Write a Movie Review (see above) (
Show part of a segment (note minutes and seconds); What will we learn in that segment? Print movie review to share x 20
2. Capture and Print out 3 key frames
1.Write and explain the concept as caption
and add 2 charts that make the concept understandable;
2.Present as Power Point; print out 3 key frames and captions x 20.