Monday, April 9, 2012

Movies Review---extra day for delivery!

Movie Review for Economics....You chose one...if you change, send me an email for approval
Welcome: Partners: CHoose a film, View the film at PBS, Netflix or Top Documentary or Youtube;
1. Take Notes for a Film Review
2. Focus on 5 important understandings about the economy or the company, present 2-3 ideas
3. What are the problems/causes; including government intervention or regulation/ or not!
4. mistakes/complications/bad decisions Connect all understandings to their relationship to the consumer
5. Each student will Write their own film review. 100 points

IOUSA: the 12 trillion dollar debt
In Debt We Trust Eduardo
Capitalism: A Love Story Sheila, Suze, Ruben
One Per Cent
The Corporation
Plunder: The Crime of Our Time
PBS Frontline: Inside the Meltdown Miguel
PBS Frontline: The Warning
Maxed Out = Credit Card crisis
The Secret History of the Credit Card
Overdose: The NExt Financial Crisis
Is Walmart Good for America? Christian,
Blue Gold: World Water Wars (bottled water)
CSNBS: Inside MacDonalds; Tracey, Natali,
Inside Target Edgardo
Inside American Airlines
Inside Nike kenneth, Cassie, Luis, Jose
Inside Google Yvette, Sam
Inside UFC Daniel, Sarkis, Khachik, Damien
Inside Cruise Inc.
Zeitgeist Jason

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