¢1. Take Notes for a Film Review
2. Focus on 5 important understandings about the economy, You will present 2-3 major ideas
3. What are the problems/causes of our crisis?
2. Focus on 5 important understandings about the economy, You will present 2-3 major ideas
3. What are the problems/causes of our crisis?
¢4. What was the government intervention or regulation?
¢5. What were the mistakes/complications/bad decisions?
¢6. What has been the effect of these events or policies?
¢7. How does it effect the consumer or your common ordinary Sheik?
Presentations: Two options for Presentation
1.Write a Movie Review (see above) (moviefilmreview.com)
Show part of a segment (note minutes and seconds); What will we learn in that segment? Print movie review to share x 20
2. Capture and Print out 3 key frames
1.Write and explain the concept as caption
and add 2 charts that make the concept understandable;
and add 2 charts that make the concept understandable;
2.Present as Power Point; print out 3 key frames and captions x 20.
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