Thursday, March 31, 2011

Watch Your Documentary;do text HW...Go to the Beach!! Due Monday

¢HW: TEXT: p. 44 Answer 2, 7;
Watch your documentary; Due Mon.

Partners: CHoose a film, View the film at PBS, Netflix or Top Documentary or Youtube;
1. Take Notes for a Film Review
2. Focus on 5 important understandings about the economy,
3. What are the problems/causes; including government intervention or regulation/ or not!
4. mistakes/complications/bad decisions
5. results
Complete your notes; email to partner and combine; turn in all 3 sets of notes

Due Wednesday:
1. Write a Movie Review the film: (see above)show part of a segment (note minutes and seconds); what you might learn in that segment?
2. Capture and Print out key frames and write concept as caption
Add 2 clear charts or diagrams making the concept understandable

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