Friday, May 27, 2011

Sales Pitch Guidelines...for more try GOOGLE!!

Guidelines For A One-Minute Sales Pitch

GOAL: In a minute or less, allow each member to share and present “SPECIFIC” information about them and their business to other members of our group.

First: Memory Hook: A Hook is a Memorable line or two that interests your listeners!
  1. Introduce yourself and the company/ business you represent.
  2. Overview of the products and/ or services you offer.
  3. What differentiates you from your competition?
  4. What is a good referral for you and your business?
  5. Re-state your name and whom you work for.
  6. Memory Hook: A Hook is a Memorable line or two that interests your listeners!

Guidelines For A 3-5 Minute Sales Pitch

This is similar to the one-minute sales pitch but gives you a little extra time go into more details.
  1. Introduce yourself and the company
  2. Tell us more about the business you represent.
  3. Highlight specific products and services
  4. Show us brief examples and give product demonstrations.
  5. What differentiates you from your competition?
  6. What is a good referral for you and your business?
  7. “So, if you see/ hear of/ or know someone who needs……”
  8. Re-state your name and whom you work for.
  9. Memory Hook

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