Thursday, March 31, 2011

Watch Your Documentary;do text HW...Go to the Beach!! Due Monday

¢HW: TEXT: p. 44 Answer 2, 7;
Watch your documentary; Due Mon.

Partners: CHoose a film, View the film at PBS, Netflix or Top Documentary or Youtube;
1. Take Notes for a Film Review
2. Focus on 5 important understandings about the economy,
3. What are the problems/causes; including government intervention or regulation/ or not!
4. mistakes/complications/bad decisions
5. results
Complete your notes; email to partner and combine; turn in all 3 sets of notes

Due Wednesday:
1. Write a Movie Review the film: (see above)show part of a segment (note minutes and seconds); what you might learn in that segment?
2. Capture and Print out key frames and write concept as caption
Add 2 clear charts or diagrams making the concept understandable

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Other important socio-economic concepts.....Read and rank order....

HW: Read Ch. 2.2
Rank order by economic and social importance: Justify your #1-3 choice in paragraph tonight
1.economic freedom to make own decisions
2.econ efficiency for greater benefits than costs
3.Economic equity…a social goal to support laws against wage and job discrimination
4.Full employment
5.Econ security for the elderly, workers losing jobs etc.
6.Price Stability, freedom from inflation …protects people on limited income
7.Econ growth to increase goods and services to all
Explain your reasons for your ordering above

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Story of Stuff

1.Story of Stuff

  • externalized costs,
  • ¢Third world country
  • ¢planned obsolescence,
  • ¢perceived obsolescence
¢See p. 15; Draw the Circular Flow of Economic Activity in the textbook model;
¢HW: Read p. 19-20 Explain trade offs; opportunity cost; answer question 1.5, on comic and picture on 22; 1.6; q 2-5
¢Using the Summary; Review the facts 1-10

Monday, March 28, 2011

HW from the found it!!

¢HW: Read p. 14 Explain WEALTH; p. 15, copy chart and answer question on chart
¢see p. 16; explain the effects of education on income; How does this chart apply to the importance of graduation and future education… answer question below chart
¢Read Profiles in Economics p. 18
Explain the ‘Invisible Hand’; laissez-faire; answer 1,2

Friday, March 25, 2011

How to Get Rich Quick....well, in 4-6 years!

¢HW: Read p. 14 Explain WEALTH; p. 15, copy chart and add a real product and people in this diagram. Answer the question on chart

¢See p. 16; Explain the effects of education on income; How does this chart apply to the importance of graduation, future education, and your future employment? answer question below chart
¢Read Profiles in Economics p. 18 Who is this famous economist? Why? Explain the ‘Invisible Hand’; laissez-faire; answer 1,2

Thursday, March 24, 2011

What is a paradox???

HW: Chapter 1 Section 2. p. 12-13
¢Define: Goods and services; value; Paradox of value, utility
¢Define; Explain the relationship between these
concepts: Scarcity, Value, utility, wealth

Wednesday, March 23, 2011